solid electrolyte used in LIBs

Solid Electrolyte Patent Landscape Report 2022


Lithium ion-based solid electrolytes are one of the fastest-growing fields of research. Many companies have recently presented solid-state battery prototypes and announced their commercialization and integration in electric vehicles by 2025. The number of patents registered in solid-state technology shows that there has been a growth in this area. Through careful examination of patents registered and purchased by companies, it is possible to obtain technologies relevant to these companies and be incorporated them into market studies. Thus, the market outlook for solid-state lithium-ion batteries can, to some extent, be predicted.

This report has three phases devoted to solid electrolytes, including inorganic solid-state electrolytes, organic solid-state electrolytes, and organic-inorganic solid-state electrolytes. All necessary technical and strategic information are extracted from the company's patents, top researchers' patents, and articles. The extracted data are adapted synthesis process, particularly to the assignee strategy, as the prediction of the assignee’s next step is possible in patenting. In other words, everything about leading players and their approach to solid electrolyte technologies is available. The results are presented in about 70 charts and 15 tables, providing comprehensive information about solid electrolytes. Reading this report enables you easy to monitor the research in top laboratories in the world. Also, studied and analyzed articles (over 300) published in 30 top journals during 2018-2022 can inform you of academic approaches to solid electrolyte technologies.


Report's Key Features

  • PDF with > 150 slides
  • Excel file + database > 7000 patent families and > 300 articles
  • IP trends, including time evolution of published patents and countries of patent filings.
  • IP position of key players and relative strength of their patent portfolios.
  • Current main technological approaches.
  • IP profiles of key players, including IP dynamics, legal status and geographical coverage of patents, IP strategies, key patents, and recent IP developments.


Key questions that are answered in this report

  • Which solid electrolytes have the most promising performance?
  • What are the most recent technological developments?
  • What are the current and emerging solid electrolyte technology types?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different solid-state electrolyte technologies?
  • What are the current materials of solid-state electrolytes?
  • Who are the leading players and emerging start-ups?
  • What is the timeline of patent registration evolutions for solid-state electrolyte materials?
  • Which geographical region has filed the most patents in solid-state electrolytes?
  • The leading players are looking for what physical and electrochemical properties?
  • What are the future development trend of solid electrolyte technology and innovative opportunities in this field?


Useful Excel patent database

The report also includes an Excel database with the 2500 patent families (inventions) analyzed in this study. This valuable patent database allows for multi-criteria. It includes patent publication numbers, priority dates, title, citation, abstract, oldest priority date, patent assignees, family size, patent’s current legal status, and technical information. From the patents were extracted: (solid electrolyte type, synthesis method, physical properties, cell electrochemical properties, and something like that)

Further information

If you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact us

    solid electrolyte of lithium ion batter*, inorganic electrolyte,garnet, polymer electrolyte, hybid electrolyte,